Teaching English in Vietnam vs. South Korea


One question that comes up a lot from friends, family, & curious randoms– what’s the difference in teaching/living in Korea & Vietnam? Life here couldn’t be more opposite. Obviously, the massive temperature difference and the luxury of missing out on Korea’s brutal winters is a given. The pace of life, culture, expectations, quality of life, … Continue reading

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How to Land that Perfect Teaching Job in South Korea

Korean Students

You’re itching to move.. you’ve done some research on teaching in Asia, and now what?! Make it happen! Yes, packing up and moving life to Asia is a huge deal– but the internet makes starting a life before you even get there so easy. Here are some basic steps for landing your ideal teaching job … Continue reading

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Goodbye 삼호 Middle School

Goodbye 삼호 Middle School I’ve spent roughly 9 months sitting behind this desk looking at this ancient computer screen at Samho Middle School. Looking back on it all, when I started last September I never imagined I’d miss teaching Korea’s bratty youth as much I’m going to. It’s the first job I’d dare label as “real”. I … Continue reading

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