ONLY in India…!


India is a country that stands out all on its own. It felt more like visiting Mars to me than a place on planet Earth. It’s colorful. The people have huge personalities. The lack of hygiene. Anything goes. We would stop, stare, jaw-dropped open, gawk, point, and never believe our eyes or the sites, sounds, and smells … Continue reading

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Road to Rajasthan

Pushkar Lake

Rajasthan is on every travelers list who adventures to India. Rajasthan is one of India’s larger states and full of history, colors, palaces, and FORTS. We took a car through the desert from one town to the next for 16 days. Traveling by car was beneficial with insufficient railway lines and long bus journeys irradiated. … Continue reading

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Photo Friday: Ganesh’s ‘Good Luck’ Story


Ganesh is one of the most infamous & well-loved gods of the Hindu religion. He stands for good luck & prosperity, dwelling above doors all across India to bless their homes. The story of Ganesh is one of my favourites… Ganesh is the son of Shiva, the God of Death, & Parvati. While Shiva was away his wife Parvati … Continue reading

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